Fredrick is a BLM Mustang from Mountain Valley Meadows, Nevada. Maddie got Fredrick for the 2022 Montana Mustang TIP Challenge. He will be three this year, and has been so fun to work around. Maddie did so much work with Fredrick last summer to get him ready for the competition, and it was so fun to watch him grow to trust her.

Fred loves everyone, and once he got used to them, he was very happy to get snuggles from any little kids that came over. He would much rather live in a stall, but he gets to live in a big pasture with some of our other younger boys.

Fred has done tons of ground work, has been saddled, hauled around to different arenas, and Maddie and Madi have both climbed on and sat on him before. Maddie hopes to start riding Fred and continue with his training.
